
Strategic investor /

Strategický investor

Business Term of the Day


A strategic investor is an investor which provides a company with advice, expertise, or contacts in addition to capital.

Example sentence

Atlantis Ltd. managed to secure an important strategic investor which will facilitate its expansion to the U.S. market.


A strategic investor can be very beneficial to a company, and especially to start-ups, which often lack experience. Strategic investors are motivated by the fact that if they manage to help push the company forward, the value of their investment will grow as well. As opposed to financial investors or venture capitalists, strategic investors bring with them additional benefits but also a more hands-on role in the investee business. For the investee, this partnership can help boost its potential for success but in exchange for relinquishing some decision-making power. For the investor, especially a large company, such investment allows it to branch into more innovative areas that it might otherwise not be able to enter on its own.


Strategický investor je investor, který společnosti poskytne rady, odbornost nebo kontakty kromě kapitálu.

Příklad použití ve větě

Atlantis Ltd. managed to secure an important strategic investor which will facilitate its expansion to the U.S. market.


Strategický investor může být společnosti velmi prospěšný, především pro startupy, jelikož často postrádají zkušenosti. Strategičtí investoři jsou motivováni tím, že pokud se jim podaří společnost pozvednout, hodnota jejich investice také poroste. Oproti finančním investorům a venture kapitalistům strategičtí investoři s sebou nesou další výhody, ale také přímější roli v podnikání cílové firmy.  Pro příjemce investice takové partnerství může pomoci zvýšit potenciál jejího úspěchu, avšak výměnou za to se vzdává některých rozhodovacích pravomocí. Investorovi, obzvláště velké společnosti, může taková investice umožnit proniknout do inovativnějších oblastí, kam by to jinak sám nedokázal.

Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

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Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

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