
Mystery shopper /

Mystery shopper

Business Term of the Day


A mystery shopper is someone hired to pose as an ordinary customer and conduct a specific transaction to gather data.

Example sentence

Worried that their salespeople would not be able fully to explain all the details of their products, ACME hired some mystery shoppers to investigate what their pitches entailed.


Firms hire mystery shoppers to collect information on such areas as customer service, compliance, and product availability. Also known as secret shoppers, these shoppers typically hide their purpose from the people working in the store. They may be hired by a market research firm or by the company itself to monitor its employees. Similar practices are used in various industries, e.g. mystery guests in the hospitality industry and mystery patients in the healthcare industry.


Mystery shopper je osoba najatá aby vystupovala jako běžný zákazník a provedla určitou transakci za účelem sběru dat.

Příklad použití ve větě

Společnost ACME se obávala, že její prodejci nejsou schopni plně vysvětlit všechny podrobnosti o jejích produktech, najala nějaké mystery shoppery, aby vyšetřili, co jejich prezentace zahrnují.


Firmy si najímají mystery shoppery pro sběr informací o různých oblastech, například zákaznických službách, compliance a dostupnosti výrobků. Nazývají se také secret shoppers a obvykle skrývají svůj účel před lidmi, kteří v obchodě pracují. Může je najímat firma pro výzkum trhu nebo samotná společnost, aby monitorovala své zaměstnance. Podobné praktiky se používají v různých odvětvích, např. mystery guests v pohostinství nebo mystery patients ve zdravotnictví.

Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

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Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

Simply subscribe to receive our Business Term of the Day at no charge to your inbox each business day, with explanation in English and Czech.


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