
Movers and shakers /

Vlivní a mocní

Business Term of the Day


Movers and shakers is a phrase used to characterize people and entities who have power and influence in a specific area.

Example sentence

To keep Smith & Co. among the movers and shakers of the condiments industry, we must ramp up our research and development investments.


Although this is a general phrase that can be used in everyday English, movers and shakers is especially commonly used in business contexts. The expression may refer to outstanding experts in a specific field, trend-setters, the most innovative employees within a company, the most visible and/or respected business people in a local market, as well as disruptive companies and market movers.


Vlivní a mocní je fráze, která se používá pro popis osob, které mají moc a vliv v určité oblasti.

Příklad použití ve větě

Abychom udrželi společnost Smith & Co. mezi vlivnými a mocnými v odvětví dochucovadel, musíme navýšit naše investice do výzkumu a vývoje.


Ačkoli „movers and shakers“ je obecná fráze, kterou lze použít v každodenní angličtině, je obzvláště běžná v kontextu byznysu. Může označovat výjimečné experty v určité oblasti, osoby, které udávají trend, a nejaktivnější zaměstnance ve společnosti, stejně jako disruptivní společnosti a market movers.

Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

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Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

Simply subscribe to receive our Business Term of the Day at no charge to your inbox each business day, with explanation in English and Czech.


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