
Gatekeeper /


Business Term of the Day


A gatekeeper is a person who controls the flow of information into or within an organization or its part.

Example sentence

It was only after Martina spent two months on leave that the CEO began to appreciate how good of a gatekeeper she has been.


As a practical matter, gatekeepers may even be regarded as key decision makers inasmuch as they influence important decisions within their organizations through their ability to decide which information gets passed on. A gatekeeper helps a manager or executive manage his or her time by screening out unimportant or irrelevant telephone calls, e-mails, and other forms of communication. This role is typically performed by secretaries, personal assistants, receptionists, and others in supporting roles.


Gatekeeper je osoba, která ovládá tok informací do organizace, v rámci organizace, nebo v její části.

Příklad použití ve větě

Až poté, co Martinina strávila dva měsíce na dovolené, si generální ředitel začal uvědomovat, jak dobrou gatekeeperkou je.


V praxi lze gatekeepery považovat i za osoby s klíčovou rozhodovací pravomocí, protože ovlivňují důležitá rozhodnutí ve svých organizacích svou schopností rozhodovat, které informace budou předány dál. Gatekeeper řídí čas manažera nebo výkonného manažera tím, že filtruje nedůležité nebo nerelevantní hovory, e-maily a další formy komunikace. Tuto roli typicky zastávají sekretářky a tajemníci, osobní asistenti, recepční a další osoby v podpůrných pozicích.

Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

Simply subscribe to receive our Business Term of the Day at no charge to your inbox each business day, with explanation in English and Czech.


Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

Simply subscribe to receive our Business Term of the Day at no charge to your inbox each business day, with explanation in English and Czech.


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