


Business Term of the Day


The DWT unit (deadweight tonnage) expresses the total carrying capacity of a ship as measured in tons.

Example sentence

The ship with the greatest DWT ever recorded was named the Seawise Giant and was built during the 1970s in Japan.


Deadweight tonnage is the total amount of weight, expressed in metric tons, that a ship can carry. The deadweight includes fuel, fresh water, ballast water, people (passengers and crew), cargo and everything else it might contain. In other words, deadweight contains everything except for the weight of the ship itself. DWT is also used to express the legal limit to which a ship may be loaded (i.e., the situation in which the maximum permissible draught is at water level).


Jednotka DWT (z angličtiny deadweight tonnage) vyjadřuje celkovou nosnost lodi měřenou v tunách.

Příklad použití ve větě

Největší zaznamenanou DWT v historii měla loď pojmenovaná Seawise Giant, která byla postavena během 70. let v Japonsku.


DWT vyjadřuje celkovou hmotnost v metrických tunách, kterou může loď unést. Nosnost zahrnuje palivo, sladkou vodu, balastní vodu, lidi (cestující a posádku), náklad a vše ostatní, co může na lodi být.  Jinými slovy, DWT obsahuje vše kromě hmotnosti samotné lodi. DWT se také používá k vyjádření zákonného limitu, do kterého může být loď naložena, tj. situace, kdy je maximální přípustný ponor na úrovni hladiny.

Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

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Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

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