
Conglomerate /


Business Term of the Day


A conglomerate is a corporation that consists of several businesses, whose activities may or may not be related.

Example sentence

Rupert Murdoch’s news conglomerate includes companies in the U.S., Australia, the UK and several other countries.


The subsidiary businesses of a conglomerate, which are acquired through mergers or takeovers, are run independently, but their managements report to senior management at the parent company. While conglomerates allow for diversification of business risks and economies of scale, the lack of focus can make managing the diverse businesses difficult and has led to a decrease in the size of most large conglomerates since the 1980s.


Konglomerát je společnost, která sestává z několika podniků, jejichž činnost spolu může, ale nemusí souviset.

Příklad použití ve větě

Novinový konglomerát Ruperta Murdocha zahrnuje společnosti ve Spojených Státech, Austrálii, Spojeném Království a několika dalších zemích.


Dceřiné podniky konglomerátu, které se získávají pomocí fúzí nebo převzetí, jsou provozovány samostatně, ale jejich vedení se zodpovídá vrcholovému vedení mateřské společnosti. Ačkoli konglomeráty umožňují diverzifikaci obchodních rizik a úspory z rozsahu, nedostatek zaměření může řízení rozdílných podniků ztěžovat a od 80. let vedl ke zmenšení většiny velkých konglomerátů.

Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

Simply subscribe to receive our Business Term of the Day at no charge to your inbox each business day, with explanation in English and Czech.


Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

Simply subscribe to receive our Business Term of the Day at no charge to your inbox each business day, with explanation in English and Czech.


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