
Boutique firm /

Butiková firma

Business Term of the Day


A boutique firm is a small company that is highly specialized in a concrete area.

Example sentence

English Editorial Services, a boutique corporate communications firm, has been providing its clients with the highest-quality services for 16 years.


Even though the term boutique in general usage is most commonly applied to small fashion producers and shops, there are boutique firms in law, finance, communications, design, marketing, and other fields. Regardless of their specialization, boutique firms usually do not have the capacity to cover a wide segment or provide a one-stop shop solution. Instead, a boutique firm is likely to have a highly skilled workforce and focus on a particular well-defined area. This allows such a firm to fill a particular niche by bringing its expertise to tailored solutions for particular clients.


Butiková firma je malá společnost, která je úzce specializovaná na konkrétní oblast.

Příklad použití ve větě

Společnost English Editorial Services, butiková firma v oboru podnikové komunikace, poskytuje svým klientům služby nejvyšší kvality již 16 let.


Ačkoli se termín butik v obecné řeči nejčastěji používá pro malé výrobce a obchody s módou, butikové firmy existují v právu, financích, komunikaci, designu, marketingu a dalších oblastech. Bez ohledu na jejich specializace butikové firmy obvykle nejsou schopné pokrýt široký segment nebo poskytnout řešení typu one-stop shop. Namísto toho budou butikové firmy pravděpodobně mít vysoce kvalifikovanou pracovní sílu a zaměřovat se na úzce definovanou oblast. To těmto firmám umožňuje vyplnit určitou niku tím, že svou expertízu použijí tak, aby určitým klientům poskytly řešení přímo na míru.

Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

Simply subscribe to receive our Business Term of the Day at no charge to your inbox each business day, with explanation in English and Czech.


Business Term of the Day

English Editorial Services’ mission is to assist international businesses and organizations of all sizes to communicate clearly, correctly, and persuasively with their business partners and target audiences.

Simply subscribe to receive our Business Term of the Day at no charge to your inbox each business day, with explanation in English and Czech.


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